Being in the woods is like having toxins removed from your body. To get out on a cold, crisp day can clear your mind. It helps your breathing as you take in the clean, fresh air. It can bring total peace. Going out in the wild away from anything modern, where all you hear is birds chirping and small animals rustling in the leaves, can give you time to clear all your thoughts. Totally loosing all stress. I have done this and continue to do this every hunting season. Many times I don't even want to disturb the peace by firing my gun even when deer show up. I have let many a deer walk on past. Some with nice racks on their heads just to keep feeling the peace. Sometimes while allowing these deer to walk by I have gotten to see even bigger bucks come out. Bucks I would not have seen if I would have shot my gun.
I use what I learn in the woods in my life. The patience I learned by waiting for deer to come out has helped me when dealing with others. Learning to not rush when getting ready for my shot has taught me not to rush into anything. If you rush your shot , you will either miss or spook the deer. Waiting on the peace and getting to see bigger bucks has taught me to wait on God. I have had to use this lately as I look for a job. Being unemployed and the money maker of my home, I have wanted to take the first job that presents itself. These would not have been what was best for my family. I believe God will take care of me and my family no matter where I work. Much like the deer. If I had taken the first deer that presented itself I would have had a blessing of harvesting nice buck. But waiting allowed me to harvest a much nicer buck.
Wait for the Lord;be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
Psalms 27:14