Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Morning Glory

There is something special about early mornings. Maybe it is everything is refreshed. Or it could be a chance at something new. Anyway you look at it every morning is a chance to see God's morning glory as HE starts things out fresh. The sun comes out to shine it's praise as God intended. The birds sing out their chorus for the creator and every animal comes alive with feelings of motion. There is a purpose for everything under heaven.
I've been a night owl, where I stayed up all night.Yet still when I've had no sleep and get to see God start the day over again. I feel at awe as I watch each new morning unfold. To get a chance to watch as the light chases each and every shadow away. As the sun marches over the sky , advancing slowly , because God gave it a set time to reach each spot. It allows the moon to go hide like it should.(I've already spoken about my moon appreciation in moon phases)
It is like watching 2 brothers who play hide and seek,they both want to win. But they want their brother to have a fair chance so they don't rush.
They say morning is a time for new chances. If everyone looked at it this way maybe our world would be less volatile. Hope would flow from everyone.
Weeping may spend the night, but there is joy in the morning.Psalm 30:5

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Things just happen

Have you ever had anything happen that seems to ruin your day of hunting? I have, this can be expected if you go afield as much as I have over the years. Sometimes things just happen. In the past , I have started to cross a creek that was normally very shallow only to find a spot that was over my head. SPLASH what a way to ruin a hunt. Or to hike way off the beaten path only to have a sudden rain flood down on you. I can usually keep hunting but if I get so wet I can't stay warm my day is over.
I have also ruined my own hunt a few times. Like using a self climber tree stand to climb way up in a tree. When I got up to the level I wanted to hunt from realize there is a limb stuck in my way. No problem get the hand saw out and cut off. I couldn't I had taken my saw out of my bag and left it at home. That day I got a bright idea. Just take the top part of stand apart and go above the limb. Not recommended, I dropped the wing nut that held it together. I'm stuck 20 feet up in a tree with no way down. After tossing the top part to the ground I finally used my safety rope to swing out of the tree. I wasn't Tarzan but it worked, with only a few minor scrapes and bruises to show.
I look back now and laugh but at the time I was so mad at my self. I can say sometimes things just happen. It is how we handle the situation that shows our character. To learn from our mistakes shows our maturity.
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs17:22

Friday, April 17, 2009

What to do about hunting?

It is April, a month when there is not much hunting going on. But it is not a time when you shouldn't get out in the woods. This is a great time to scout, if you can handle the pollen. I went a couple of weeks ago every thing was yellow. But I got to see parts of my hunting area, with out the worry of spooking the deer. I found some old signs of where the bucks had traveled. I carried my hatchet and cleared some trails for this up coming fall. By clearing trails now you can have deer familiar to traveling them without fear by opening day. Make sure you clear shooting lanes around your stand locations, also.

My favorite thing is to use the lay of the land, I've talked about this before. Deer will naturally use the lay of the land to travel in safety. If you make it easier for them to travel by clearing the trails, they will use them. It also allow you to see if any changes have happened to your hunting area.

On my trip I got to spend my time with my wife and children. My wife was taking nature pictures. My kids were just happy to be able to run wild. It was a great time to get my children excited about the great outdoors with- out worry of seeing deer or not. This is a great time to show a child a great adventure and get them wanting to go with you in the fall.

I saw where the power company had cleared trees away from the lines. They just cut the trees down and left them where they fell. Doing this they blocked one of my favorite funnel exits out into the open power lines. I now have time before season to take my chainsaw out there and fix this funnel. Hopefully, making it better. You never know if just getting out before the season starts may help you have a better hunting experience. Maybe even putting more meat in the freezer come fall. Or helping you find the piece of the puzzle that helps you harvest the trophy of a life time.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Moon Phase

Hunters have talked for years about how the moon affects deer. A full moon makes deer move. The moon affects everything this way, people included. The wild side comes out because of the full moon. Many hunters have killed many a deer on days that a full moon was shining the night before. But my personal favorite moon phase is the half moon after a full moon. Because I have killed more big bucks in this phase than any other. I have also checked fields at night during different phases and again have seen more big bucks during the half moon after the full.
Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying bucks do not move during the other moon phases. I'm just telling when I have had the best luck. There is also something special about getting into the woods before day light on a full moon night. At times I have walked to my deer stand on a full moon night with out a flash light. When I have gotten to do this, I stop to admire God's watchman, overseer of the night. It is even more special when it is a clear night. To see a full moon alongside the constellations you can't help but to know there is a greater power. One who has His paint brush and changes every scene. It is better and more creative than any artist can ever think of. God made two great lights-the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. Genesis 1:16 the NIV Study Bible