Friday, June 19, 2009

Getting Prepared

Well it is the middle of summer and most people are not thinking about deer hunting. But why miss this great opportunity, the bucks are in the middle of antler development. It is a good time to put out salt with calcium. The deer will come to these for the extra minerals. Feed with minerals are also a good way to help develop better antler growth. If you can make a way for the deer to have water it will help keep them healthy .
I know people who have built ponds or put in wells where the water was able to flow and built small streams just to attract deer to their property.
This is also a great time for pruning limbs that blocked your shots last year. Or removing trees that have grown up in front of stands( make sure you have permission before you cut down trees) . This is the best time to check those permanent tree stands or shooting houses so that come hunting season nothing will be hindering you or mess up that shot at a trophy. Don't wait until right before season starts and leave your human scent all over the woods. If you do it now your scent will be gone before the deer hunting starts.
This is another chance for those trail cam shots. You can watch as the bucks grow their antlers and capture those great velvet pictures.Or take this time to hang your stands . I know many deer change their patterns as fall comes. But most of us found trees last year, during the season, so we know in advance where we want to hang our stands. Let the deer get used to the stand, so it want alert them .
If you are scouting a new hunting land, look for old rubs on the trees as a sign for where the bucks roam. Find funnels and different ways the land or anything that might turn the direction of deer. (I've discussed this in past blogs)
Planning helps in getting you prepared in how you will hunt. It also builds confidence.
Commit your activities to the Lord and your plans will be achieved. Proverbs 16:3