This hunting season opened with me harvesting a spike on opening day. I was thinking I was in for a great season. Then came spending only about 10 hours ( and not on the same day) of hunting during the rest of November. Not a big deal since here in Alabama the season goes through January 31. But as December came in, I am back to the woods. I put myself in some great locations and get shots at not one but three different deer. Two of which were very big mature bucks. I missed all three. I know that I'm just like everyone else I miss sometimes. But I don't normally miss more than once a year. I start questioning myself. I know that last year to finish the season my rifle started jamming so I put it in the shop. This year I was using a borrowed rifle. My father in law loaned me his extra which was the same make and style as mine. I sighted it in and was comfortable with it until I missed. I just chalked it up as just getting nervous until it happened again. The second time was at the first of the bucks. I re sighted the rifle and found that some how the scope had been knocked off. I am comfortable with the gun again and less than a week later I'm back in the woods. I get to my stand before daybreak, and after about 2 hours I see movement. It is a big 7 point I aim, fire, MISS. So much for a great season of filling the freezer. But I am an over comer the rest of this year will be iron sights. Sometimes we can plan every detail and issues that are out of our control just happen. We just have to overcome.
On a brighter note my oldest son who is 9 was with me when I missed the first buck. We have never seen a buck when he was with me. He is very excited and can't wait to go again. He also saw dad handle difficulty and deal with it without over re acting. Both lessons were great for him to see. I enjoyed hunting with my son even if I missed.
Heart-change in progress
4 years ago