Trail cameras are a great way to scout. Not only do tell you if anything is moving during the day light hours. They can let you see if any bucks are in the area you plan to hunt. They can also educate you. I got a little education from my trail cam pictures this week. When I checked the pictures there were many of does and a few small bucks that you could clearly see. My ten year old son was helping me view them and noticed a set of antlers up behind the other deer. They were not very open like the other deer in the shots. After zooming in you could see a very large buck hidden in the shadows. He was not hiding behind any big tree, just a bunch of saplings 2 inches or smaller. It was like he was fading into the shadows around him. My Granddad and Dad taught me to look for more than the body of deer. They used to say look for an ear or an antler that may stand out. After seeing that picture this statement took on a new meaning. It was amazing seeing that buck blend into his surroundings just by being hidden in plain sight. It makes me also wonder how many times I overlooked deer doing the same thing. After 24 years hunting these elusive animals I'm still learning. This is why I never get bored with hunting.