Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Most Important Choice

You planned for years to go on safari to hunt big game in Africa. It is finally about to come true. Every detail has been worked out. You have made choice after choice about what gun, what to wear, and which guide to use.
You now stand in camp in Africa and the guide says this is the day you start hunting animals. As you move out into the bush the rush of excitement flows over you. Then your thoughts are interrupted, as the guide touches your arm and points to a very large wildebeest and says for you to take it. Your aim is true. You have taken the first animal on a week long safari. As you think about what has just happened, you hear something stirring in the bush to your right. You look expecting to see one of the men who are there to help the guide but instead it is a lion. He charges, you bring up your gun, aim, click. Nothing happens, and then you wake up in a cold sweat. It was all a dream.
Now you really go trough all your choices to make sure your dream doesn't become a reality. You double check what gear you will take. Making sure the gun isn't one that jams.
Even with all that preparation, what gun you choose or what type caliber you decide on. These are not your most important choices. The most important choice you can make whether you are in Africa or any where else in the world is to ask Jesus into your heart. Many in the world will see this as weakness or ignorant. But all search for something to fill the void we all have inside. Christians are the only ones who have peace. The void has been filled when they ask Jesus into their heart.
It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. Psalm 118:8

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